
All my publications are based around my experience. Actually, when you get your hands on any of them, you will find that this could be an experience of many others. My pinnacle message is, don’t be afraid of hardship but embrace it and learn from it.  

Wealth is not always monetary. Our true wealth encompasses lessons we have learned, the successes we have enjoyed and the experiences we have shared; it is about learning from the past, living in the present, and building for the future.   

While theories of the world help us put things in frameworks and analyse them, it is experience alone which guides you to decisive action.  

If we keep an open mind there is a lot of treasure the older generation can share and open your horizon that text books can’t or formal education doesn’t. I have always desired to sit down with an older relative to understand their life and learn from their wisdom and knowledge. Unfortunately, I never had an opportunity to learn from past generations. 

Have you?  

If you have, feel free to share your experience

Timely Illness

Timely Illness

A Practical Guide to Progressive Preventative Chronic Illness


Did you know, in the UK alone there are 15 million people who suffer from some long-term chronic illness? 

A chronic illness is caused by the way we live our lives. Unwittingly, people are resorting to medics for treatment.  

And the system?  

It is turning normal people into patients, needlessly. Amongst many, I too had fallen victim to this approach. In this book, I chronicle my battles with my prognosis from start to finish.  

Unfortunately, the current medical model sees our body as many independent systems. We should be connecting the dots and looking at our body as one system. If we don’t change our medical model, we may be heading towards an epidemic of chronic disease sufferers.  

But until reforms are implemented, Timely Illness will be your guide. It is a practical guide to progressive preventative chronic illness and playbook of advice for anyone and everyone. It serves as a wakeup call for individuals, politicians, and health professionals who are wrapped up in dealing with the effects rather than the causes.  

Let’s help ourselves and save our children and their children. We can prevent the intrusion of illness and if it happens, we can return to sound health without medical intervention.   

Take it from me – being ill is like losing freedom. Losing freedom is losing control of oneself and one’s body.  

Sometimes, the world may feel bleak and hopeless but we still will be better off taking care for our body and mind.  

Let’s live consciously and fully – take control of our actions to gain control of our body. It is the one thing that is fully ours!  

Starting with ourselves, together, we can create a health revolution!    

Unbroken Wings - book by Teren Hanz

Unbroken Wings   

Road to Self-Discovery


Have you experienced how one day – just one – can turn out to be a very long road to freedom? 

On a brighter side, it could just be the exposure one needs to bring out one’s strengths and fortes. 

But, how does one find the strength to rebuild? 

Think of it this way, “Every challenge is an opportunity for a new and a better beginning.”  

Unbroken Wings is a story of an uprooted life, moving continents, and the silent battles fought behind closed doors.  

It’s about the tears of a woman and the resilience of a warrior. But most importantly, it is about the strength of her spirit. Her life which compels you to question your belief while another one makes you believe in the indomitable power of spirit.  

Here is a million dollar advise: 

We all have that power to reinvent – our very own authenticity – let it not go a waste! 

You can then one day say with confidence, “happily-ever-after doesn’t have to involve anyone else.” 

Education in a Crisis

While it’s difficult to say which one thing is causing this downfall, we can certainly say that there are trends that are making us all concerned.  

When you think of the ideal education system, what comes to mind?  

Kids going to school and learning. In this classroom, they are disciplined enough to behave and regulate themselves. Unfortunately, our current education system is a far cry from the idyllic education system. The terms freedom and discipline and control are seriously misunderstood by pupils.  

A silent crisis is brewing, in this whirlwind of our modern world, a crisis that threatens the very essence of our children’s futures. We cannot stand idly by as an entire generation lose sight of themselves.  

This is my proposition. Start a new system and in this new system, children be given a laminated set of rules for attending classes. Rules provide limits. Limits provide structure to the learning environment. This will ultimately create a learning environment where the teacher is respected, and students learn to self-regulate and have a clarity of thought. 

It may well be time to scaffold and introduce Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, formally. This would make a big impact, all around.   

I invite you to join me on this voyage of stoic philosophy of education and hope that my insights resonate with your own journey as educators, learners, or simply as individuals who believe in the power of education.  

national green juice day

Grandma Green and her Crew of Eco-warriors  

Lessons for Brighter Tomorrow  

Ages 7 to 11 

A book every adult must read! 

As established, we can see that we are facing an Armageddon in education. The status quo is helping no one. The only crystal ball I can see a spade – yes. a spade. Give your child a gift of lifetime – a spade to grow his/her own food.  

Let me start off with a quote by David Attenborough. “The natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.” 

But what are we giving back to the planet that gives us so much in life that makes life worth living? 

For a moment, let us reflect and talk about simplicity.
Some might wonder what does simplicity got to do with sustainability. If anything, what does it not got to do with sustainability? 

Simplicity is the most powerful tool for sustainability.

For one, simplicity can help us to buy less which means we waste less because we don’t have as much stuff to throw away. For two, simplicity can help us to live in harmony with nature. This helps to appreciate and protect the environment we live in. 

Have a read of this, “The five ascending levels of intellect: Smart, Intelligent, Brilliant, Genius, Simple.” — Einstein 

Serendipitously, I have derived another word for being simple.  

Being sophisticated is the highest level of art. And I think, adopting simplicity is this way, and to become sophisticated is a milestone of an achievement for a human.  

This is what I am talking about – simple living! At home, we can adopt simple measures. We may not think so but it’s some small things are destroying our planet.

Let’s teach our kids how to support this beautiful planet that provides so generously. Each act of creativity, whether it is recycling a can, a bottle, or a box is a step toward a greener future. And, the act of growing our own food brings us closer to the earth and reminds us of our responsibility to the planet. And, if we are not in a position to grow our own, we must value and not waste food, for a start.   

Come, accompany Grandma Green on her journey with her Eco-warriors and learn how small acts can make such a difference towards a sustainable future.